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Introduction to this Track 

What is life without skills to live through it? 🤷The skills we have are what we use to navigate through life. This track on ‘Life Skills for Health and Well-being’ is designed to support adolescents and young persons with the essential skills required for managing life’s challenges effectively. Life skills are a group of competencies and interpersonal skills that help humans deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life.

It begins with values and values clarification, which helps individuals identify and develop their core beliefs, leading to more informed and consistent decision-making. Enhancing communication skills is another key aspect, allowing us to learn the art of clear expression and active listening, along with the ability to refuse undesired influences and negotiate personal boundaries confidently. There are some things we should confidently say ‘No’ to. 🙅‍♀️

Goal setting and decision-making skills are fostered to enable individuals to envision their future clearly and make choices that steer them towards their desired outcomes, while simultaneously considering the consequences of their actions. Addressing the issue of drugs and substance abuse 💉💊, life skills education provides knowledge and coping strategies to resist peer pressure and understand the impact of substances on personal health and well-being.

Building mental resilience is key to adapting to adversity and stress, promoting mental health and emotional well-being. In the digital age, staying safe online is crucial; hence, life skills education includes safe and responsible use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) 💻 to protect one’s privacy and navigate digital spaces wisely.

Lastly, this module underscores the importance of community service 👫, encouraging volunteering to cultivate empathy, social responsibility, and a connection to the community. These altogether prepare adolescents and young persons not just for personal success, but also for responsible citizenship in any society.

Seven blocks are covered in this track. They include the following — Values and Values Clarification; Communication, Refusal and Negotiation Skills; Goal Setting and Decision Making; Preventing Drugs and Substance Abuse; Building Mental Resilience;  Staying Safe Online: Safe Use of ICTs and Community Service (Volunteering). 

Glossary words and their meanings

  1. Competence: the quality or state of being able or suitable for a particular task. Synonym; capable, expertise, etc.
  2. Resilience: ability to recover quickly from challenges. 
  3. Empathy: sharing the feelings of another; compassionate
  4. Envision: to conceive or see something within one’s mind; to imagine.
  5. Adversity: a state of misfortune or calamity

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